Flickr is important for me…

…not because i want to ‘exhibit my art’ there,  but because i want to speak, with others, about how and who we are.  but more importantly, my father was a photographer with the Free Polish Air Force stationed in Scotland and i would like to speak with him again.

if i was allowed to do that, then i think i would say to him that i am sorry we did not have a better relationship. Felix, you were autistic in your way, and I am autistic in my way… it was always going to be difficult for us to meet half way. but now let us reach an understanding.

In the following video,

each tetrahedron as a quadri-verse of understanding.

each triangular face as a tri-verse of understanding.

each edge as a mutual understanding with otherness.

each apex as an alterity of under-standing with the others

– moment by moment as spatio-temporal existence.

we are as one.

i offer you this thought as a final dissolution of the fascism you fought against

stan bonnar

1st March 2021