2016 – 1

let us imagine that the pure singleness OURSELF extends: we extend as space. let us further imagine that because our understanding has the limitation of being differential, we understand always as a difference from alterity – from the other thing. however, if we OURSELF are pure singleness, then this differential extending is always with alterity (with the Other rather than from the other). we might call this moment of differential extending the moment of time. if such were the case, then the only reason we would see things around us, would be because these things constitute our very understanding with them; we see them because we are them – moment by differentiating moment. light and space are one, difference and time are one. pure singleness. all this is our most fundamental understanding of OURSELF, which because we have brains, we grasp together as our comprehending of things. but our understanding-with alterity is always infinitely greater than our ability to comprehend our Otherness. so although it is the case that in our brain and body we understand the universe, we cannot comprehend it, let alone know it (for to know it would be to know our own pure singleness). hence, i think, we are the unfathomable SELF, an essential deficiency – the void that must be filled.

I was also thinking about the forms of primitive alter-verses such as the penta-verse in the video below. The point was to show that for an absolute singleness of understanding, each comprehending that constitutes an environment of understanding (a thing) must be directly connected to or interface with all the others.