This video describes the comprehending that ‘Myself’ has of the absolute singleness of understanding. (Temporality?)

For any alter-verse (including the entirety of what we think of as ‘the universe), the relativity of its constituents is not one of difference as such, but rather is as the mode of difference called understanding. By manoeuvring away from difference as such, we are able to place the emphasis on the relative comportment of things, rather than on their simple difference from each other. Rather than ‘different things’ as such, we are now able to deal with environments of understanding.

We have assumed that every ‘Other’ is itself an alter-environment of understanding, which for the sake of clarity we are limiting to this primitive ‘quadri-verse’ of otherness – red, yellow, green, violet. We further assume that RYGV is an environment of environments which has come into existence as a ‘thing in and for itself’, as a feature on the surface of the infinite singularity of understanding. (A moment of quantum foam coming into existence at Planck length would be an analogous view from the real world, although in our view space and time do not actually exist for the prior state of absolute singleness.)

So by whatever impulse or reason, (as we have already earlier described), the quadri-verse RYGV has become actualized (not realized), and in that same elementary moment, instantaneously, is formed the entire temporal structure of the quadri-verse – until at some moment, for some reason it ceases. But why the term ‘Temporality’?

It is so because it is the rational construct in moments of that which would otherwise be impossible to rationalize. Namely the state of absolute singleness which is prior to the condition of existence. But these moments are not yet moments in time as we would recognize it, but are rather moments of the turning of one understanding to another, that we have already named ‘actuations’.

The reason why these are an instantaneous and non-finite accumulation within the elementary moment of the alter-verse, is because as each other under-stands the others, it understands that which they are actually already are, which is the ‘each other’ that under-stands. No time passes – it is an instantaneous accumulation of under-standing, each moment an internal construct of the prior.

But why ‘Myself’ and why ‘Spacelight’?

What we have just been describing in the preceding paragraphs, concerns the moments of actual under-standing as an ‘Ourself’ – a simple grouping of understandings that accumulate as a momentary instantaneous internalizing of the elementary moment. It is the temporal structure of Ourself at at given moment. But Ourself does not comprehend all the complexity of prior under-standings which are its constitution. (It would be like you or me trying to grasp the infinitely prior environments of understanding that comprise the atoms of our bodies.)

So instead, Ourself comprehends itself as a ‘Myself’, which is spaced from its Otherness. This difference from its ownmost constitution is what Myself comprehends as a photon of light – a moment of spacelight –  coming from the other which it comprehends as ‘being out there in the distance for a moment of time’.

Each Other Myself comprehends in exactly the same way for a fixed system such as we have invented here, and would go on doing so for an eternity of their own time.