Rosi and I moved back to Scotland, to a little village called Templand, and there I set about building my studio…

And at the same time, I was continuing my investigation into reality and understanding…

This work called arche-gram, consists of six sandstone slabs from the Corncockle quarry near Templand – which is the same sandstone that was used to build Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in Glasgow. It seemed appropriate to make a symbolic work – a mythogram – from the same stone that envelops such a body of knowledge. I cleaved each slab so that it would open up like the pages of a book, or the wings of a flying creature. The above photograph shows me taking great care to paint, in lime-wash, my understanding of things onto one of these sandstone shards. The rest are as follows. (Click on image to enlarge).
Immediately the stone is cleaved, one becomes two. Like the symmetry of wings necessary for flight. Then there is the third element of the symmetry (symmetry is always tri-versal) which is the Myself who split the stone and who flies between its wings.